In addition to the comprehensive protection against the adversities of life, the Bitcoin Life membership offers you a powerful instrument for provision and care.
Enjoy life!
You only need to worry about protection and providence once. Now.
Private individuals, companies and organisations with legal capacity may contribute up to 100 % of their contribution to the protection fund and receive benefits after economic losses.
Are you planning a major acquisition in the coming years - a house, a boat, a luxury car? And do you need equity capital for the financing?
Calculate your contribution (pension share), which is » necessary to build up the equity:
Shorten your existing or future property financing through early repayment.
Build up the necessary capital with Bitcoin Life.
Estimate your economization » even with small contributions:
Do you want to afford to upgrade your standard of living from time to time?
Every now and then, a new car - without attacking your savings account? Or more chic furniture? Travel and see the world?
Or would you like to give your children, grandchildren or godchildren a powerful jump-start? Driving licence, car, training, studies, own flat, equity capital for their first house ...
Use the Bitcoin Life model as a withdrawal plan. You may call up benefits from your pension plan at any time - whenever you need them.
Of course, it is always better to start building up pension provisions as early as possible.
But sometimes this is not possible for various reasons. If you are already over 45 years of age or if your health situation means that conventional systems demand extra high premiums, then why not join Bitcoin Life?
» Estimate your gains here.
You do not want to wait until retirement age to have more time and money for some extra expenses?
Then a targeted asset accumulation is called for. Use Bitcoin Life to participate in the special opportunities offered by a modern use of funds. Don't pay for old-fashioned, bureaucratic administrations if the Blockchain technology offers you reliability and security.
» Calculate your asset formation here.
Are you in the happy position of having to worry about where to park your money?
Why not put part of your assets or the payout from a life insurance policy where you can expect more?
» Calculator.
WITHOUT WARRANTY. Non-binding estimate, based on the assumption that the calculation bases entered are constant over the entire term. The actual result will differ. It may be significantly below or above the calculation. Performance and yields must not be promised or guaranteed: ACCORDING TO THE ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION THERE IS NO LEGAL CLAIM TO RECEIVING BENEFIT PAYMENTS.
WITHOUT WARRANTY. Non-binding estimate, based on the assumption that the calculation bases entered are constant over the entire term. The actual result will differ. It may be significantly below or above the calculation. Performance and yield must not be promised or guaranteed: ACCORDING TO THE ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION THERE IS NO LEGAL CLAIM TO RECEIVING BENEFIT PAYMENTS.
This is the total amount your project requires. If you subtract the equity you bring in from this amount, the result is the amount to be financed by a loan.
Do not enter the estimated amount of the loan, but the total project costs (excluding financing costs).
What is the share of the total amount to be financed that you bring in from your own resources?
The financing institution, e.g. a bank, usually expects a minimum equity investment of 20% of the mortgage lending value for standard construction financing.
The mortgage lending value is the price that can probably be obtained in a forced sale if the loan becomes non-performing.
The lower the credit rating of the borrower, the higher the amount of equity required. If it is foreseeable that in the future the loan instalments cannot be covered by the current income of the borrower, then an equity investment of 60% or even more is not uncommon. This is often the case with commercial properties or advanced age of the borrower.
Please enter the period of time in which you want to build up the necessary equity - not the credit period.
If you would like to pay a larger sum at the beginning of your Bitcoin Life membership as an initial contribution, please enter the amount here.
The net yield may be lower or higher than the increase in the price of Bitcoin. The difference is due to administrative and distribution costs on the one hand and to the participation in profits in addition to the price gain on the other.
For a first estimation (and this is the only purpose of this calculator) you can use the expected return that a pure Bitcoin investment without any additional profit participation would yield.
How much do you still have to repay?
If you want to calculate a new loan, enter the complete loan amount here.
How long will the loan take to be repaid in full?
If you want to calculate a new loan, enter the complete term here.
How high are the instalments (interest and repayment) with which you are currently servicing the loan?
This calculator is designed for calculating annuity loans. You can easily calculate final repayments by calculating when your investments are worth as much as the loan amount.
Note: This calculator will only show a useful result if a positive interest rate and a plausible relationship between interest and repayment has been entered. Nonsensical fantasy constructions or unrealistic variants are no serious basis for calculation.
What contribution do you want to make monthly? Only the portion that is to go into the pension fund needs to be taken into account. You have to subtract the portion for the loss compensation fund.
All rights reserved © 2013 - 2025, Bitcoin Life e.V.
association according to section 3 chapter 1 no. 1 German Insurance Supervision Act
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